Devils Den Pattaya Closed or Under New Management?
I went online to check out the Devil's Den pattaya website when I noticed this that the website was gone and what was left was some large font with the message "The Devil's Den is Under New Management". Then it redirects you to a different site similar name but different and the website looked the same. Was the website hijacked or is this real? I'm not sure so I looked through google and got this cached message which I've shown below. Looks like some foul play by the owner of the building. Well the Devils Den is still operational so it must just be that it's under new management. That's Thailand for you.
The Usual Drama
For those of you who care for the details, it is the usual Pattaya soap opera. The husband of the building leaseholder thought it was a sharp logo and a converted shop-house that made the brand successful- not fanatical customer service and sound management. Without his wife's knowledge he came to us with a rather… unique staffing idea- we wanted no part of it.
Seeing how well the business was doing, he became greedy, and decided that all he had to do was drive out the people who actually built the Devil's Den and then make his own website (because he has a friend who's "good with computers" this would be easy). He would then be free to implement his staffing "solution" at the same location, using the Devil's Den good reputation, but without the Den's founders as an obstacle.
Not a very clever move, but a surprisingly regular occurrence in Pattaya and a risk for any successful business that makes a name for itself. Because of course, we all know that if you cut open the goose you can get all the golden eggs at one time. In the end, it was far better for us to walk away than to compromise the values that made the Devil's Den such a unique and progressive institution.

Of course, the parties using the Den name and signage now at the old LK Metro location have simply hijacked the brand and whatever portions of the business model they could puzzle together. The managers you are accustomed to dealing with have left, and unfortunately can take no responsibility for what you may experience in any business that has chosen to co-opt the name.
Our Sincere Thanks
Despite this unfortunate ending, we would like to thank all of our loyal customers. We were always amazed by the class of patrons we were able to attract, their loyalty, and most of all the genuine kindness with which they treated the staff. Providing service, and meeting even the most difficult challenges was a true pleasure and we sincerely regret that we will no longer be able to do so.
Further inquiries can be directed to [email protected]
Now just because the new owner now has the place the logo the brand will it still be as successful? The owners did a fantastic job at promotion and customer service will the new owner be as successful? Only time will tell.
I'm not on the ground in Pattaya so if anyone there knows more details please write a comment below let us know.
The owners, Wassana and Michael, are the same. The former manager, John, is gone. It seems there was an attempted coup by the web host who posted some misinformation.
Thanks Bren, thought it was strange well it’s a sigh of relief they’re still in business am going to Pattaya in February fingers crossed.
The one time I used Devils Den was a total let down, 2 girls, Boo and Pueng, Boo stank of Somtam and Pueng had one of the worst bodies I have ever seen on a Thai.
Total waste of money, I was really pissed off.
Don’t get the girls from the website, best to go there in person, I wish I had done.
Lesson there for the boys, don’t trust girls of the website, they are never up to date.
I was in Pattaya in December 2011 and had bookings for 10 girls at various dates. A complete let down and a waste of money. Some comments on the girls.
– Alyssa.Had her all day. No GFE. Always on the mobile. Wanted to go back to hotel at 8pm so could watch movie. When I told her off, she showed her attitude.
– Maggie. Very over rated and commercially orientated. Cunning and uses her looks to get her way. Poor sex. A big NO.
– Kristen. Nice enough girl, controlled and influenced by Maggie. Not recommended with Maggie.
Cake – Old looking at used by date long gone
The others were nothing to talk about. Enough said.
THe place was very diaorgaised bookings were mixed up. Girls that were booked did not turn up. Others turned up at times and dates that were not booked.
Went back to complain and got some refund back but less that I expected. No problems, I left that to experiece. While I was there , another customer, came in, also complaining and was dissapointewd that , the girl he booked did not turn up and he had other issues as well from a previous booking.
There was a new manager and it is true that the place is under new management.
Save your money, for what they are charging you expect top quality and service. You can do better with a little planning and visiting the go gos. I found that even the girls at go – goes were better looking than the DD girls.
I will never visit the place again. A complete shadow of its past.
Management needs to lift its game and girls need to be more customer service orientated.
I visited Patts in October 2012 and booked Toni for an outcall we had a good couple of hours of fun. We went to sleep with the intention of having another session but woke with about 30mins for her leaving time, Toni felt bad so we had a real quick dirty 30-35 minutes. Then she changed and left, later than expected.
I booked Toni & Nikki online in Dec 2012, before I actually set off for Thailand. I stopped by when I arrived to pay my deposit. 2 days later the girls arrived. Toni remembered me and the 3 of us had a great time. I didn’t want a repeat of last time, so I was reassured when Nikki explained that we would have another long session after they got some sleep. It was in the last week of December. Sadly my sleep was ruined by the nearby local celebrations for pending new year, but the girls were able to get some. True to her word, Nikki’s alarm went off at 4, but I was already awake and another 1.5-1.75 hours of fun was had before the girls left.
thanks for the update
I really miss John. He got me squared away with Bang and Rose, two of the hottest girls Ive ever seen. It was a mistake to take Bang to Koh Samui though. She came drunk to my hotel and acted like a bitch the first day. Michael chewed me out telling me that these girls were there for sex, not for a GF experience. Im staying with bar girls from now on. Maybe not as hot, but potentially a better attitude.
Devil’s Den is for the wham-bam-thank-you-mam in house short time threesome with guaranteed performance. Not a place for a GFE.
Umm you can in house but fuck that, take them to your own room, that’s what most people do. I don’t think you’ve been there.
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Thinking of going, how’s it now in 2015?
f**king fraud, they charge a lot of money for a pushing service and bad attitude
i used devils 2 times, the best treatment from the girls, honest, helpful, and nothing than the best i received from the 2 girls, their age, does not matter, maybe not 20 anymore, tide sexy bodies, service, is excellent, everything my heart desired, fulfilled, with a smile, first time i went f9or 6 hour session, not long enough, to play my games with girls, next week i take the 9 hour session, take her ut for a dinner, and a drink, easy, erotic, sitting close to each, talking laughing, having real fun, very pleasant girls, the time well spend, wort every baht i spend, gave a tip, becuse of their service, and excellent treatment i received, before i went and used pure escorts in bangkok,, very good, but now devils den is for me, i never been treated like this before, why would you need a young girl, that does give you the treatment you deserve, the girls age and there looks and tide bodies, that is all i need, they are not 40 or older, younger,close to 30 years, perfect for a very good time,