Top 10 Best Paid Movie Stars In Thailand 2011
This list of the top 10 best paid movie stars in Thailand for 2011 is interesting because it didn't have the people I thought might have been on there. No surprise that the list has way more women on it then men but a huge surprise that number 1 is a guy.
The amounts Thai actors and actresses make is only minuscule compared to their US counterparts. For example the highest paid actor here makes 2.3million dollars a year. Vin Diesel made 44million dollars last year and he's not even number one, Number one is Johnny Depp who made roughly 75million dollars in one year from just the caribbean movies, this doesn't include endorsements and advertising.
Most of the people on this list have been doing this for many many years and have probably made hundreds if not thousands of millions of baht. I think i'm in the wrong line of work, maybe i'll try acting 🙂
Oh I've left the names in Thai because if you wanted to look at more pictures of them if you type their Thai name into google you get heaps more results.
1 ณเดช คูกิมิยะ 70 Million Baht
2 อุรัสยา สเปอร์บันด์ 65 Million Baht
3 ไลลา บุญยศักดิ์ 60Million Baht
4 พัชราภา ไชยเชื้อ 50 Million Baht
5 เขมนิจ จามิกรณ์ 45 Million Baht
6 ปกรณ์ ลัม 40 Million Baht
7 อารยา เอ ฮาร์เก็ต 30 Million Baht
8 อารักษ์ อมรศุภศิริ 25 Million Baht
9 แอน ทองประสม 20Million Baht
10 อนันดา เอเวอริ่งแฮม 20 Million Baht

The number 1 paid actor in Thailand ณเดช คูกิมิยะ Makes over 70 million baht per year most of his money is from advertisements he models for.

The Number 2 best paid movie star in Thailand 2011 อุรัสยา สเปอร์บันด์ Makes 65 million baht a year and is the face of many a hot movie release in 2011

The fourth highest paid movie star in Thailand is Miss พัชราภา ไชยเชื้อ she makes a nice 50 million a year and is recognized as one of the sexiest girls in Thailand even though she's now over 30y/o

The Fifth highest paid movie star in Thailand 2011 is เขมนิจ จามิกรณ์ she beats out a tough crowed and makes 45 million baht per year through movie deals and advertising
Nadech Kugimiya is actually the hottest Thai Rising Star right now and along with the Nang’ek that he’s been working with Yaya Urassaya. They are both the hottest on screen couple right now and they’ve become extremely famous after their first lakorn together. Although I really did think it was going to be a women who is number one but this is also no surprise I was expecting these two to be best paying actors I just didn’t really expect they’d be numbers one and two.